Serving Persecuted Christians Worldwide - Herod's Secret Police - Open Doors UK & Ireland
Herod’s Secret Policeman

A new Open Doors Christmas resource for children, families and churches.

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When Herod the Great met the wise men, he sent them on their way with instructions to return and tell him when they had found Jesus. But what if Herod also sent someone else? Someone to follow them and find out where they went? What if Herod sent a secret policeman?

Herod’s Secret Policeman tells the tale of Secret Policeman Number 3 (and his toy sheep Nellie), of the people he met on the journey, and the way in which the encounter with Jesus, Mary and Joseph changed him forever.

It’s a fresh take on the age-old story. But more than that, Herod’s Secret Policeman will introduce children – in a very gentle way – to the pressures faced by secret believers around the world, many of whom live under surveillance, or disguise their faith. They might even have to flee for their lives, just as Mary, Joseph and Jesus did.

Update: We can no longer send books in time for Christmas. But Herod's Secret Policeman will be available again next year - with some new, extra goodies to help you tell the story of Christmas in a brand new way!

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