Spanish phrases

Phrases for small children

  1. Querido(a) hermanito(a) muchas bendiciones. Oramos para que Dios te guarde de todo mal.

    Dear brother/sister, many blessings. We pray that God will keep you safe from all evil.
  2. Querido(a) hermanito(a), oramos para que continúes amando y siguiendo a Jesús.

    Dear brother/sister, we pray that you continue following Jesus.
  3. Querido niño, tú no estás solo. Desde aquí oramos para que Jesús te esconda del mal.

    Dear child, you are not alone. From here we pray that Jesus will hide you from evil.
  4. Querida(o), Dios te ama oramos para que Jesús te guarde de todo mal y peligro.

    Dear, God loves you. We pray that Jesus will keep you from all evil and danger.
  5. Querida(o) hermanita(o), no olvides que Jesús siempre está contigo y te ama.

    Dear little sister/brother, do not forget that Jesus is always with you and loves you.
  6. Hermano(a), Cristo te ama y no se ha olvidado de ti, está contigo en lo más difícil.

    Brother/Sister, Christ loves you and has not forgotten you. He is with you in the most difficult times.

Phrases for teenagers

  1. Hermano(a), Dios tiene un propósito específico contigo, no lo dudes. Aquí oramos para que aumente tu fe.

    Brother/Sister, God has a specific purpose for you, do not doubt it. Here we pray that your faith will increase.
  2. Hermana(o) te animo a cuidar tu relación con Jesús. Él te ama y cuida todo el tiempo

    Sister/Brother, I encourage you to take care of your relationship with Jesus. He loves you and cares for you.
  3. Hermano(a) Dios te ama. Aquí oramos por ti, para que crezca tu fe.

    Brother/Sister, God loves you. Here we pray for you, so that your faith grows.
  4. Hermano(a), sabemos que estás pasando dificultades. Oramos por ti y tu familia

    Brother/Sister, we know that you are going through difficulties. We pray for you and your family.
  5. Hermano(a) ten ánimo. No estás sola. Dios te ama y te cuida.

    Brother/Sister, have courage. You are not alone. God loves you and cares for you.

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