
Join the volunteer team
Could you use your time, skills and passion to help raise awareness and action for persecuted Christians? Together, we can support those who follow Jesus no matter the cost.
Your experience can be from anywhere! If you are passionate about the persecuted Church and want to use your gifts, skills and time, we’d love you to join one of our volunteer channels.
All of our volunteers must agree with Open Doors UK and Ireland’s Core Values and Purpose, as well as our Statement of Faith which you can read here.
To volunteer with Open Doors UK and Ireland, you need to be a resident of the United Kingdom or Republic of Ireland. However, we are a global ministry, so you could also visit our international website to see if we have an office in your country of residence.
First, take a look at the role descriptions for the volunteering opportunities listed on this page to make sure it’s something that suits you. Then, if you would like to join one of our volunteer teams (awesome!), you’ll need to complete our online volunteer application form. You’ll be required to provide a reference from your church leader and a character reference from a close friend or colleague who has known you for a reasonable amount of time. After we have reviewed your application and your references, we will schedule an online (video) call to discuss your application and to answer any questions you may have. If your application is successful, we will invite you to an induction session to tell you more about the Open Doors story and core values, and to provide you with the relevant training and resources you need. Please note that enhanced disclosure information may be requested from the DBS.
We’ll provide you with the necessary training and resources to support you in your volunteer role. We also offer training opportunities throughout the year. You’ll be supported by one of our team and we’re here to help whenever you need anything or to answer any questions you may have. We’ll also keep you updated about the incredible impact you’re having on our persecuted family worldwide and how you are inspiring the church in the UK and Ireland to grow in their walk with Jesus and the global church.
Get involved
Your support helps persecuted Christians continue to courageously follow Jesus. Together, we can reach those where persecution hits hardest.