Serving Persecuted Christians Worldwide - How a smuggled Bible changed Dhea's life - Open Doors UK & Ireland
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How a smuggled Bible changed Dhea's life

This is the amazing story of Dhea, a women who was unjustly imprisoned, and what happened when someone sent her a Bible.

This powerful video shows the effect of the Bible on peoples' lives.


"I read things I had never heard before - about a God who was loving and forgiving." Dhea

Dhea has lived a challenging and difficult life. As a girl she became pregnant when she was assaulted by a well-respected local man. Despite being the innocent victim, Dhea was convicted of a ‘crime’ and sent to prison, and beaten terribly.

While Dhea was imprisoned, she contracted malaria and was taken to hospital. There she had an encounter with a visitor. Later he sent her a Bible.

"I was so angry with this man. How could he send this to prison? If somebody had seen me with this book, I would have received even more punishment, and I was so worried," says Dhea.

She decided to burn the Bible, but when she had lit the match, she paused. “I believed I was already a sinner going to hell, so I thought one more sin wouldn’t make any difference,” she says. “I decided to read it before I burnt it.”

The first words she saw were Psalm 139:16: “Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”

Those words changed her life. She knew she couldn’t burn the Bible. It became her most treasured possession.

“For the next nine months, I read the book every day,” says Dhea. “I read things I had never heard before - about a God who was loving and forgiving. I read about the life of the Lord Jesus. All the things I read were new and, although there was nobody to explain anything to me, the Spirit was there and I understood that the Lord Jesus is my Saviour, my God.”

Persecution from her family

On her release, Dhea returned to her family. And she couldn’t help revealing her new relationship with Jesus.

"Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." Psalm 139:16

“I told them what was written in [the Bible], about God, about forgiveness – but they were outraged.”

Her family disowned her, and the community turned against her. She was sent back to prison. But her faith stayed strong.

Now, she can no longer live safely in her country, and when she was released from prison she moved to a nearby country.

She opens her house to people who are coming to her new country for medical treatment.

“Most of the visitors are strangers. I open my house for them and provide free food. They all know that I am a follower of Jesus.”


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