Serving Persecuted Christians Worldwide - World Watch List Case Study: Nadhir - Open Doors UK & Ireland
15 January 2020

World Watch List Case Study: Nadhir

Three things held centre-stage in Nadhir’s* life: marijuana, clubbing and rap music. Although he had grown up in a Muslim family, Nadhir later rebelled. Then, in his late teens, a friend and fellow rapper handed him a Bible and everything fell into place.

Three things held centre-stage in Nadhir’s* life: marijuana, clubbing and rap music. Although he had grown up in a Muslim family, Nadhir later rebelled. He dropped out of attending the mosque and joined the local rap scene.

Then, in his late teens, a friend and fellow rapper handed him a Bible and everything fell into place. “I read this Bible and when I’m reading, I’m feeling like something inside me, it’s like a sweet thing inside me. I didn’t feel it before when I read the Quran… This is what I need. I need this thing. I need Jesus.”

It was another – much better – rebellion.

However, Nadhir’s new faith came at a cost. His family soon noticed that he'd stopped going to clubs, but when he confessed to being a Christian, his father was furious. “I don’t want to see you again in my house,” he said. “Never come back here, because you are not my son and I don’t know you. And I will be going to the government to remove your name from my family, because you are a Christian.”

‘God listened to my prayer’

Nadhir spent many nights homeless. Eventually he was taken in by another Christian, and he soon discovered that he was part of a much bigger family than the one he had left behind.

Now, he encourages other Christians in North Africa. Believers from Muslim backgrounds struggle with isolation, so Nadhir leads a secret church in his home and is putting the skills he learnt as a rapper to good use with a podcast for new believers.

Open Doors partners are also helping him to set up a coffee shop so that Christians can meet together. Nadhir’s ministry is vital.

The Lord continues to work in Nadhir’s life; shortly after he got married, his father phoned him to apologise. Nadhir told his father he would be praying for him, and from that moment on things changed.

“Now me and my family have a nice time together when we talk,” he says. “God listened to my prayer."

*Name changed for security reasons


Lord, we can barely imagine what it’s like to follow You in a country so oppressive as North Korea – but thank You that You are sovereign and victorious despite this. Please continue to grow Your church and give solace to Christians who are in prison, courage to those who are secret believers and protection to Open Doors secret workers providing Bibles and vital support. Break the power of evil in North Korea, we pray.

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