
World Watch: 4

Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh

How many Christians?
35,500 (0.5%)

Main threat
  • Islamic oppression

Every £38

Every £38 could help provide six months of safe housing and relief aid to a family of North Korean refugees who have fled extreme persecution.

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How are Christians persecuted in Libya?

  • Islamic militant and criminal groups kidnap and sometimes kill Christians. Even if they avoid such a fate, foreign Christians – particularly those from sub-Saharan Africa – face harassment and threats from radical Muslims.
  • Families and communities exert intense pressure on Christians to convert to Islam, including ‘forced Hajj’ – an Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca – which acts as a form of loyalty test.
  • Christian men often lose their jobs, face abuse and can be kicked out of their homes. The risks are so high that forming fellowship groups is nearly impossible unless entire families convert.
  • Christian women face sexual violence from their own families and communities and are unlikely to find hope in the justice system. Even women suspected of showing interest in Christianity face house arrest, forced marriage or even so-called ‘honour’ killings.

Why are Christians persecuted in Libya?

  • Libya has an honour/shame culture, and it is considered deeply shameful for the whole family when a Libyan wants to change their religion from Islam.
  • Islamic militant groups target Christians for human trafficking, forced labour and sexual enslavement, or kidnap for ransom – particularly those who are detained in migrant detention centres while crossing Libya to reach Europe.

Who is particularly vulnerable in Libya?

  • Christians in Libya are at risk everywhere, but especially in areas with active radical Islamic groups.
  • Christians who have converted from Islam risk the most persecution from their communities, while foreign Christians, particularly those from sub-Saharan Africa, are targeted by Islamic militant and criminal groups.
  • Christians who openly express their faith or try to share it with others risk arrest and violent opposition. The lack of a central government to enforce law and order makes the situation even more precarious. 

What has changed in Libya in the past year?

  • Pressure on Christians in Libya remained extremely high. The shockwaves of a major incident in March 2023, which led to the arrest of Libyan Christians and some immigrant Christians, has forced the tiny Christian community to remain extremely careful.
  • Libya has fallen one place on the World Watch List, but this is because persecution worsened in other countries. The persecution score for Libya has not changed.

How can I help Christians in North Africa? 

  • Please keep praying for your brothers and sisters in Libya. Your prayers make an enormous difference to those following Jesus no matter the cost.

Open Doors works with local partners and churches in North Africa to provide leadership and discipleship training, livelihood support, legal aid, trauma counselling, Bibles and pastoral care.

please pray

Lord Jesus, we pray for our family in Libya who follow You at such great risk to their lives and livelihood. Please show these secret believers that You’re walking with them. We pray for peace in Libya, specifically that the tension between factions will not escalate into war and further endanger believers. Please open doors for converts to find life-giving community and grow in their faith, despite the challenges they face. In Your name we pray, Amen.


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