How are Christians persecuted in Mozambique?
- The rise of Islamist extremism in the north of the country, especially in regions such as Cabo Delgado, has had a devastating impact on the lives of believers. Churches have been burned down, pastors abducted and many killed.
- Pastors have reported being denied exit visas and being incarcerated for up to three years in re-education camps for being critical of the government.
- Christian men and boys have been particularly targeted by Islamist militants. This includes boys being forcibly recruited to militia ranks, while older men are often killed because they are regarded as ‘weak’.
- Converts from Islam or African traditional religions are vulnerable to persecution from within their own families. This can include divorce, forced marriage, loss of custody of children and disinheritance.
- The rising threat of Islamist extremism in Mozambique has made Christian women and girls acutely vulnerable to abduction, sexual violence, forced marriage and domestic slavery. There have been reports of abductions where Christian girls were taken as ‘war trophies’.
- Mozambique also has one of the highest rates of child marriage in the world, with 53% of girls being married before the age of 18, and due to the ongoing conflict in northern Mozambique, many girls have been forced to abandon their education.
“In Mozambique, we Christians are targets of much persecution, many believers are raped, killed, several churches and houses destroyed.”
Pastor Mario*, church leader in Mozambique
Why are Christians persecuted in Mozambique?
- The objective of the Islamic extremist groups active in Mozambique is to establish a strict Islamic state, and Christians are often targeted as symbols of resistance to this extremist ideology.
- In addition, Christians often caught in the crossfire of the ongoing conflict between government forces and jihadist groups, making them even more vulnerable to violence and displacement.
- Mozambique has also become a major hub for drug trafficking, with the presence of cartels contributing to a climate of lawlessness and violence, which indirectly affects the Christian community.
Who is particularly vulnerable in Mozambique?
- The persecution of Christians is severest in the northern Cabo Delgado Province due to violent attacks by militants affiliated with the Islamic State group.
- Converts from Islam face the most persecution from their families and communities, while church youth leaders are at particular risk from violent drug traffickers.
“We were ambushed by seven terrorists. They found out we were Christians and from there we started to flee.”
Survivor of terrorist attack
What has changed in Mozambique in the past year?
Additionally, the fight against Islamist militants in Cabo Delgado was weakened after a multi-national peacekeeping mission withdrew their troops.
Mozambique rose two places on this year’s World Watch List. Islamist militants have continued their hate campaign against Christians, which intensified after 11 Christians were executed in September 2023. In 2024, extremists launched a campaign targeting Christians called Kill Them Wherever You Find Them.
How can I help Christians in Mozambique?
Please keep praying for your brothers and sisters in Mozambique. Your gifts and prayers make an enormous difference to those following Jesus no matter the cost.
Open Doors supports persecuted Christians in northern Mozambique by providing emergency aid, persecution survival training, and economic empowerment projects.
*Names changed for security reasons
Lord Jesus, we remember our brothers and sisters in Mozambique who have suffered attacks by Islamic extremists. Surround them with Your comfort and breathe fresh hope into their hearts. Protect Your people in this land and frustrate the plans of militant groups. We pray for greater security and stronger governance in the country, leading to increased protection and freedom for all people, including our persecuted family. Equip Your people with the boldness, wisdom and strength to withstand opposition and be salt and light in their communities. Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on Your people in Mozambique. Amen.