Prayer News

Prayer is a crucial way to support your persecuted brothers and sisters. Prayer News brings you face-to-face with persecuted Christians who live and work where faith costs the most.

New videos are released every two months, so do check back for updates.

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Prayer resources

Weekly prayer emails
Pray for sub-Saharan Africa: 7-14 May
Pray for Sudan
Prayer groups
PrayerMate app
Pray for Afghanistan
Pray for Ukraine
Help children pray
Prayer diary

Prayer groups

Join one of our many prayer groups around the UK and Ireland or start your own. Contact our Inspire Team on 01993 460015 or for more information.

Prayer mate

If you have a smartphone or tablet, you can download the app ‘PrayerMate’ and have our weekly email or the daily prayer points from our prayer diary sent automatically to your device.

Get involved

Your support helps persecuted Christians continue to courageously follow Jesus. Together, we can reach those where persecution hits hardest.