Serving Persecuted Christians Worldwide - Prayer Email Subscription Form - Open Doors UK & Ireland

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Pray for your persecuted family - sign up to emails

Open Doors offers a unique way for you to help your persecuted family all around the world. It's the world's largest global secret network keeping the church alive in some of the most dangerous places on earth. Wherever Christians are tortured, harassed, punished or murdered for their faith, we are campaigning, praying, providing practical support and smuggling hope. 

Do you want to help in praying for your persecuted family? Brothers and sisters you've never met will know you're praying for them. Sign up for our emails and you'll hear remarkable stories of God at work, bringing you information and inspiration from Christians who live and work where faith costs the most.

Be inspired to pray as you hear the stories and see the faces of your persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ.


In addition to the above emails, you can subscribe for advocacy alerts

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Your support helps persecuted Christians continue to courageously follow Jesus.
Together, we can reach those where persecution hits hardest.