Serving Persecuted Christians Worldwide - Indian elections: how you can pray - Open Doors UK & Ireland
08 May 2024

Indian elections: how you can pray

Indian elections take place between 14 April and 1 June. Please join in these prayer requests from Open Doors local partners in India, asking that the elections would be peaceful and fair, and that our church family would be protected.

India elections
Please join your global church family in praying for the India elections

Nationwide elections are taking place in India between 19 April and 1 June, in seven phases across different states. The results will be known on 4 June. Christians in India are asking their global church family to join in praying during these elections. These believers know that religious freedom is at stake. Freedom of religion or belief is a constitutional right in India – but Hindu nationalists are increasingly threatening that right.

As the elections continue, you’ll find the latest prayer points from Open Doors partners in India, and other local believers, on this page.

Pray for the election process

Prayer webinar
Catch up with a special prayer webinar for the India elections, and pray with other Open Doors supporters from across the UK and Ireland.
Watch Now
  • Pray for peaceful, violence-free campaigning and elections, and that there will be unity between Christians
  • There are instances of some opposition leaders being arrested for corruption. These allegations may or may not be true, but will certainly affect the elections. Pray that people are able to make the right decisions
  • Pray that people in the country will elect the right candidates without being influenced by false or misleading propaganda. Pray for truth to prevail and for citizens being able to make informed voting decisions.

Pray for the impact of the election results

  • Pray that the government that comes in serves the best interests of every citizen, including religious minorities
  • Twelve states in India have anti-conversion laws, which are often used to harass and target Christians. Indian believers fear that the election results could see more states adopt these laws, or even the implementation of a nationwide law. Pray that this wouldn’t happen, and that existing laws would be repealed.

Pray for Christians facing persecution and discrimination

  • There has been a rise in incidents of persecution during the elections - please pray for all affected
  • Christians were attacked during Holy Week and Easter celebrations. Pastors have been arrested and believers have been attacked in a few incidents. Christians have been falsely accused of forced religious conversion, including one case being lodged with local authorities. Pray for the Christians in India to experience God’s security and protection and continue to stand strong in the face of persecution
  • Christian NGOs are being labelled agencies of religious conversion and having their licences cancelled. Pray for India’s Home Office to have a discerning mind focused on justice
  • Tribal Christians continue to face attacks and threats from religious extremists. Pray for the persecuted Christians who are expelled from their homes and have lost their livelihoods, particularly in Manipur. In many places, church services are banned and churches are closed. Please pray for God’s favour in this situation
  • Pray for the state of Chhattisgarh (in Central India) where attacks on believers and churches are on the rise after the BJP came to power. Christians are protesting and appealing to the state government to intervene and punish the offenders
  • The north eastern states are witnessing rising number of attacks on Christian institutions. Christian colleges are being targeted and threatened constantly. Several laws and policies have been introduced to target the Christians, such as a bill in Assam to criminalise prayers for healing. Please pray for God’s sovereignty in these situations, and for believers to know and trust His peace.

Please pray

Father God, please bless all of my brothers and sisters in India during these elections. May they be protected from harm – either violence, or the misuse of laws. Pour Your peace over the election process, and let truth and justice prevail. By Your sovereign power, please use whoever comes to power in each state to uphold religious freedom. Amen.

Please give
  • Every £20 could provide training for ten believers, equipping them with a biblical response to persecution
  • Every £30 could provide emergency food aid to two believers in India affected by violent persecution
  • Every £47 could help a persecuted community establish their livelihood, giving them long-term financial security.


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