Serving Persecuted Christians Worldwide - Despite discrimination in aid distribution, Christians in Indonesia sing praises - Open Doors UK & Ireland
11 October 2018

Despite discrimination in aid distribution, Christians in Indonesia sing praises

As the Open Doors workers walked through a village in Indonesia, surrounded by the rubble and destruction left behind by the recent earthquake, they could hear voices singing ‘Hallelujah’. Coming round the corner they found a group believers, stood under a tent given by Open Doors, singing their praises to God. On top of the recent disaster, Christians are facing added discrimination because of their faith as aid is distributed. And yet, our brothers and sisters still choose to sing ‘Hallelujah’. And your support and prayers are helping them to keep going.

As the Open Doors workers walked through a village in Indonesia, surrounded by the rubble and destruction left behind by the recent earthquake, they could hear voices singing ‘Hallelujah’. Coming round the corner they found a group of believers, stood under a tent given by Open Doors, singing their praises to God.

It’s incredible to see the faith of our brothers and sisters in Indonesia, even in the midst of the most difficult circumstances. The death toll following the recent earthquake and tsunami has now exceeded 2,000, and many thousands more have been left homeless, their houses destroyed.

And on top of all that, Christians are facing added discrimination because of their faith as aid is distributed. One of the Open Doors workers shared that Petobo, a Muslim majority village, is located next to a Christian majority village. But when military tents and other relief aid were sent to the Muslim victims, only a small amount of instant noodles were given to the Christians. The Open Doors worker says that such discrimination is widespread.

Every £37 could provide emergency food supplies for a family for a month.



And yet, our brothers and sisters still choose to sing ‘Hallelujah’. And your support and prayers are helping them to keep going.

Many Christians and churches from across Indonesia are currently on their way to help those who have been neglected. Your support has already helped to provide tents and food aid for persecuted believers, and Open Doors will be collaborating with others to find temporary shelters for the homeless. Plans are also underway to build new houses and churches for them.

Please continue to stand with our church family in Indonesia. You can give to support the work of Open Doors through local churches in Indonesia. Every £37 could provide emergency food supplies for a family for a month.

And please pray:

  • For those who have lost homes and loved ones in the recent disaster to not lose hope, and that help will reach those who need it most
  • That aid will be distributed fairly to all, regardless of religion
  • For joy, peace and unity among churches and believers as they learn to support one another with whatever limited resources they have.

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