Herod's Secret Policeman - Open Doors UK & Ireland

Herod's Secret Policeman

Herod's Secret Policeman image

A new Christmas resource from Open Doors.

When Herod the Great met the wise men, he sent them on their way with instructions to return and tell him when they had found Jesus. But what if Herod also sent someone to follow them? What if Herod sent a secret policeman?

Herod’s Secret Policeman tells the tale of how Secret Policeman Number 3 (and his toy sheep Nellie) was sent to spy on the magi and how finding Jesus changed him forever. With spies and shepherds, dictators and disguises, this funny, thought-provoking retelling of the Christmas story is a great way to gently introduce children to some of the issues faced by secret believers.

  • 24-page, full-colour story book for children.
  • Great for Advent services, crib services or Christmas events.
  • Contains links to video, Christmas activities and teaching materials.

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