
World Watch: 47

President Sadyr Japarov

How many Christians?
55,600 (12.2%)

Main threats
  • Islamic oppression
  • Dictatorial paranoia

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How are Christians persecuted in Kyrgyzstan?

  • Some converts are locked up for long periods by their families and even beaten, while others are expelled from their communities altogether.
  • Women who choose to leave Islam and follow Jesus can also face forced marriage and sexual violence. In conservative regions, they may be kidnapped and married to a Muslim.
  • Christian men risk losing their jobs, having their business boycotted and being disinherited. As men tend to be breadwinners in Kyrgyzstan, this will affect the whole family.
  • Church leaders are detained, interrogated and fined during church raids.

Why are Christians persecuted in Kyrgyzstan?

  • In Kyrgyzstan, local authorities have considerable power and tend to be under the influence of the local Muslim community, who wish to prevent and stigmatise conversion.
  • Russian Orthodox churches experience the fewest problems from the government as they do not usually attempt to evangelise to the Kyrgyz population – but believers who actively share the gospel are opposed by the country’s leaders.

Who is particularly vulnerable in Kyrgyzstan?

  • Converts from Islam are most persecuted, as they can face pressure from family, community and the state. This takes place especially outside of urban centres

What has changed in Kyrgyzstan in the past year?

  • Kyrgyzstan is the biggest riser on the World Watch List, jumping 14 places to enter the top 50.
  • Pressure increased in all areas, but the main reason for the rise in ranking is because of the number of violent incidents against believers.

How can I help Christians in Central Asia?

Please keep praying for your brothers and sisters in Kyrgyzstan. Your gifts and prayers make an enormous difference to those following Jesus no matter the cost.

Open Doors strengthens the church in Central Asia by providing relief aid, Bibles, ministry training, prayer support, vocational training and business microloans, as well as projects such as rehab centres.

please pray

Lord God, please protect my brothers and sisters in Kyrgyzstan. Thank You for their courage in following You in the face of rising opposition and violence. Please heal the physical and mental wounds of those who’ve been attacked for being Christians, and give Your gifts of peace, joy and hope to my Kyrgyz family. Amen.


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