Serving Persecuted Christians Worldwide - Home - Open Doors UK & Ireland

Over 365 million Christians face persecution and discrimination - that's one in seven believers worldwide. You can stand with believers counting the highest cost for following Jesus.

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Your support helps persecuted Christians continue to courageously follow Jesus.
Together, we can reach those where persecution hits hardest.

World Watch List

Open Doors’ annual ranking of the countries where Christians face the most extreme persecution.

World Watch List Map
World Watch List Map
Levels of persecution:
  •   Extreme
  •   Very High
View country profiles
2024 ranking
  1. North Korea
  2. Somalia
  3. Libya
  4. Eritrea
  5. Yemen
Explore the list

Prayer and praise

Please pray
Pray for the Indian elections to take place peacefully, and for God's protection over Christians during this vulnerable time.
Give thanks
That God is using Open Doors partners to equip persecuted Christian women with livelihood projects so they can support their families.
Subscribe to our monthly email to hear stories of courageous faith from the field and hear how you can make an impact for persecuted Christians.

Courageous Christians

These believers are bravely following Jesus despite enormous opposition, or raising support and awareness for the persecuted church. This is the worldwide family of Christians

Laxman India
Pastor Laxman (name changed) was arrested, beaten and jailed after being falsely accused of bribing people to convert.
Meet Laxman
Xuan Vietnam
Xuan (name changed) faces persecution for her faith and her gender, but her passion for Jesus means she keeps taking risks to help others know Christ.
Meet Xuan
Ajay India
Ajay (name changed) is a local Open Doors partner in India who supports and encourages believers targeted during ethnoreligious violence in Manipur.
Meet Ajay
Aisha Nigeria
Aisha’s village was attacked by Fulani militants, and she was brutally attacked. Open Doors trauma care is helping her see change.
Meet Aisha
Narendran India
Narendran* and his wife Kavita* were beaten for their faith, then denied treatment in hospital because they are Christians. *Names changed
Write to Narendran
Kavita India
“We would have been living in fear and anxiety if you had not come to our aid,” says Kavita (name changed).
Write to Kavita
Ji Ho N. Korea
Ji Ho’s (name changed) dad was taken away by North Korean secret police after they found a Bible buried in their garden.
Meet Ji Ho
Apo Syria
Apo's father was kidnapped when Apo was very young, and he and his mum Jina haven't heard anything about him since. Your support is giving Apo education, a home and joyful hope.
Meet Apo


Get involved

Your support helps persecuted Christians continue to courageously follow Jesus.
Together, we can reach those where persecution hits hardest.