Serving Persecuted Christians Worldwide - Complaint - Open Doors UK & Ireland

Complaints Policy

We hope you’ll never need to send us a complaint, because we try hard to meet the high standards we set for ourselves. However, sometimes things go wrong, and you may want to make a complaint.

You can do this by phoning us on 01993 460015, sending an email to, or by writing to us at:

Open Doors UK and Ireland,
PO Box 6,
Witney, Oxon,
OX29 6WG.

If this happens, we will:

  • Acknowledge the complaint, so you know we’ve received it
  • Record the complaint
  • Investigate the complaint
  • Inform members of our team who we feel need to know, as well as any members of our team you have asked us to inform
  • Correct what went wrong if possible and appropriate
  • Tell you about what we have done and why
  • If possible, change procedures to avoid the same thing going wrong again in the future
  • If we can’t do this, or make other changes you’ve suggested, we will explain why.

We’ll address your complaint as soon as possible, but it might take a bit longer than a regular enquiry. We will aim to acknowledge your complaint within two working days. For complaints that come by post, we will send out an acknowledgement within two working days of opening your postal complaint. At a later point, we will send a full response, where we will either explain how we have been able to resolve the issue, how we plan to do things differently in future, or the reason why we haven’t been able to resolve the issue or change our procedures at this time. If you are contacting us from a country where Christians are severely persecuted, we may not be able to respond, as doing so could be unsafe for you or for us. However, we will still investigate your complaint where possible.

We take complaints seriously, and we respond to them as thoroughly as possible. We hope you will be happy with the reply you get from our Inspire team, who will involve other teams and members of staff if necessary and/or if you have requested that we do so. However, if you’re not satisfied and want to complain to someone outside of Open Doors, you can contact the charity commission:

The Charity Commission
PO Box 1227
L69 3UG
Tel: 0845 3000 218

If you have a safeguarding concern, please phone us on 01993 460015 and ask to speak to our safeguarding officer or safeguarding deputy.

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