Serving Persecuted Christians Worldwide - Annual Partner Church Leaders Gathering - Open Doors UK & Ireland

As a Partner Church, we are delighted to invite you to our annual Partner Church Leaders' Gathering. Our ’Gatherings’ are held every year and provide church leaders with a unique opportunity to get away and spend time with our persecuted family and each other. Coming to one of the ‘Gatherings’ will not be a waste of time.

You will have a:

  • unique opportunity to hear from and learn from our persecuted family
  • be inspired and encouraged in your leadership of God’s people
  • take time to pray for our persecuted family
  • build community with Open Doors and other church leaders in your area.

Attendance at the Leaders' Gatherings is by invitation only. If you are interested in attending but are currently not a Partner Church, please do call us on 01993 460015 to find out more. You can also take a look at our Partner Church booklet to find out how your church can stand with our persecuted family.

'Insights from Christians in the Middle East'

We are incredibly privileged to have a speaker from the Middle East joining us. Our speaker will bring us an insight into the lives of Christians in the Middle East and there will be space and time for you to ask your own questions of him. Our prayer is that these insights will be invaluable in leading and seeking to inspire your own church to be on their knees in prayer and on their feet in action.

Dr Ron Boyd-MacMillan will also be joining us. As Director of Strategy and Research for Open Doors International, he is one of our most travelled colleagues and an outstanding Bible teacher. We pray that through the life-giving truth from God’s Word, this will encourage you in your leadership of God’s people and bless your church as a result.

The venues

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Your support helps persecuted Christians continue to courageously follow Jesus.
Together, we can reach those where persecution hits hardest.