How are Christians persecuted in Nicaragua?
- In retribution against those perceived to have opposed Nicaragua’s regime, Christian leaders have been harassed and arrested, Christian properties seized, Christian schools, TV stations and charities closed, and churches monitored and intimidated.
- In light of these pressures, many Christians – particularly church leaders – have felt forced to flee the country. Many more have been expelled or subjected to immigration restrictions.
“This year, they denied again the legal status of my church but, approved or not, we continue to preach the Word of God.”
Why are Christians persecuted in Nicaragua?
- Hostility toward Christians in Nicaragua continues to intensify, with those who speak out against President Ortega and his government viewed as destabilising agents.
- Changes to the law in recent years mean that church leaders are labelled terrorists and coup-plotters. The situation has deteriorated significantly since 2018, when widespread protests broke out against the country’s dictatorial regime.
- Christians continue to have an influence in Nicaragua, and this is one of the reasons the government targets them – aiming not just to silence the church, but to undermine their credibility and prevent their message from spreading.
Who is particularly vulnerable in Nicaragua?
- Given the government’s totalitarian control over Nicaragua, persecution is present throughout the country and at all levels.
- Those who express opposition to the government’s dictatorial measures are likely to face hostility, harassment, censorship, threats, detentions and physical violence.
“There is a crisis of fear in Nicaragua. As pastors, we don’t know how to address the anxiety, stress and fear.”
What has changed in Nicaragua in the past year?
- Nicaragua remains at number 30 on the World Watch List, with a slight increase in persecution.
- In the last year, political repression and social unrest have escalated, which in turn has affected the freedom of Christians and it made it much harder for churches to reach those most in need.
How can I help Christians in Nicaragua?
Open Doors strengthens the persecuted church in Nicaragua by providing Christian literature, discipleship training, emergency relief aid, legal advice and education for pastors who have not completed their studies.
*Names changed for security reasons
Father God, we thank You for the courage and conviction of Christians in Nicaragua who are continuing to speak out against injustice. Encourage and strengthen them to be a united prophetic voice, and may those who hear them encounter Christ. We pray for Christians who have been attacked or are discouraged by the violence around them. Pour out Your healing on them and their families. Help the church to stand firm as a light in the darkness. Amen.