Join a month of prayer for Arise Africa
Join the Arise Africa month of prayer for Christians in sub-Saharan Africa who are displaced by violent persecution and conflict.

Millions of Christians across sub-Saharan Africa have been displaced by violence and conflict. The African church is rising up boldly in prayer against this violence – and they are calling on their global church family to stand with them. Please join with your church family in sub-Saharan Africa, asking God to stop the violence and start the healing.
You can download the full month of prayer to use whenever you would like, or join the Open Doors Prayer Diary in this Arise Africa month of prayer throughout September.
The displaced
Day 1
Open Doors estimates that, of the 34.5 million people in sub-Saharan Africa who are displaced by violence and conflict, at least 16.2 million are Christians, with many driven from their homes because of their faith in Jesus. This growing crisis has led to food insecurity, trauma and desperation. Pray for provision, healing and comfort for our displaced family.
Day 2 (Nigeria)
Last year, an estimated 100,000 Christians were internally displaced from their homes because of their faith, with many fleeing to official displacement camps that are unhealthy and unsafe. They are overcrowded, hygiene is poor and food is scarce, and they can be targeted by extremists. Pray that camps will be far better equipped to be havens of safety, provision and care.
Day 3 (Nigeria)
“The food items being given to us show us that Christians all over the world care about us and remember us,” says Abraham, chairman of a displacement camp. “That makes us very happy. Open Doors is helping thousands of people in Nigeria, not just me.” Praise God for this impact, and pray that local partners will be equipped, empowered and encouraged in their work.
Day 4 (Burkina Faso)
The rise in jihadist activities has caused internal displacement to soar, affecting nearly two million people by the end of 2023 (ten per cent of the population), many of them Christians. In some places, churches and villages are empty. It’s one of the world’s severest displacement crises. Ask God to surround the displaced with His peace, presence and provision.
Day 5 (Burkina Faso)
“I do believe that we are displaced, but Jesus is not and will never be displaced from our lives,” says Pastor Soré, who lives in a makeshift shelter in an IDP camp with his family and 15 other Christians. “He is always with us. This truth helps me in this difficult time.” He requests prayer for a clean water supply and that Burkinabe believers stay firm in their faith.
Day 6 (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
More than 2.6 million people in DRC, mostly Christians, have been displaced by violence. The conditions of camps are often horrific, with insufficient shelter, hygiene and food. Pray for better care and aid, and ask God to help churches and local partners as they seek sustainable solutions for people.
Day 7 (Sudan)
More than a year since civil war broke out, nine million people are on the run, with Christians in IDP camps vulnerable to discrimination and neglect. “The situation is deteriorating every day, and there is no response from the world,” says Illia Djadi, a senior analyst for Open Doors in the region. “There is a strong feeling of abandonment.” Pray that the international community will pay attention to the crisis.
Day 8 (Niger)
There has been a surge in militant attacks, particularly in rural areas of the west and south west. Many Christians have been displaced, bringing multiple challenges, including widespread despondency. Pray for church leaders and local partners as they shepherd believers through the trauma of displacement.
Women, children and families
Day 9
Christian men are often killed to destroy livelihoods and stifle the population growth of Christians. The pressure on widows is immense, as they must find work and take sole care of children – all whilst grieving. Pray that ‘the father to the fatherless, a defender of widows’ (Psalm 68:5) will comfort families and be their provider.
Day 10
Christian women and girls are highly at risk of abduction. This can lead to sexual violence and forced marriage – often with the aim of breeding the next generation of fighters. Incidents can leave victims stigmatised, which can further weaken Christian communities. Pray for the safety, healing and release of our sisters.
Day 11 (Mali)
“I’m very happy – I’ve been supported by God,” says Hawa* from Mali. Following rejection by her family for her faith, a financial gift from partners enabled her to cover a year’s rent, buy medication and food, and purchase fabric and a fridge for her business. “I know that I have true brothers and sisters, who are standing with me in the time of persecution.” Pray that Hawa’s family will come to know Jesus.
Day 12 (Guinea)
In 2020, Malu’s* (22) father, a pastor, was killed when Islamic extremists attacked his church. Today, Malu and her family are in hiding as they fear for their safety. Please join Malu in her prayer: “Lord, may You always give us the strength to cling to You, to remain truly faithful to You until You return. May You help us and, above all, may You help us to forget the past. Amen.”
Day 13 (Cameroon)
Young people – especially in the north, where Islamic extremist ideology continues to accelerate – grow up amidst violence and the risk of abduction and recruitment to militant groups. Many also experience neglect, heightening the danger of radicalisation. Pray for protection, and for good role models and influences in their lives.
Day 14 (Nigeria)
About 18.5 million children, most of whom are girls, do not have access to education. The numerous attacks on schools by jihadists and criminal gangs in the north have discouraged parents and guardians from sending their children to them. Pray for a climate of safety and peace to enable children to return to school.
Day 15 (Burkina Faso)
Senou* and Combary*, both aged 13, fled with their families when extremists attacked their villages. Both had to drop out of school but, thanks to your support, they’ve received the funds to resume their education. Since January, Open Doors has helped 49 Burkinabé students to stay in school. Give thanks for this impact, and ask God to build the students’ skills, faith and character.
Day 16 (Mali)
Mali used to be a place of relative religious freedom, but the country’s tiny Christian minority are increasingly vulnerable as Islamic militants expand their influence. It’s meant that many church-run schools have had no choice but to shut down. Pray for all the children, teachers and leaders affected by these closures, and pray for the schools to be reopened.
The church
Day 17
More than half of the countries comprising sub-Saharan Africa (26 out of 48) are on the Open Doors World Watch List. Thirteen of these are in the top 50, making them places of very high or extreme persecution for believers. Pray against the forces of evil that are seeking to stifle the presence and growth of the church in the region.
Day 18
The suffering facing Christians is leading to some looking to other faiths. “Desperation leads people to traditional religions,” says Jerome, living in an IDP camp in DRC. “IDPs base their choices on dark powers that promise protection. This has an immediate negative impact on their Christian walk.” Pray that believers will know that God will never fail nor forsake them (Deuteronomy 31:6).
Day 19
The violence facing Christians has had a catastrophic impact on the presence of churches in communities. Many have been destroyed, whilst others lie empty because believers have fled. Even where churches are available, many are fearful to attend. Pray for the safe rebuilding and reopening of churches throughout the region – cities built on hills that cannot be hidden (Matthew 5:14).
Day 20
Last year, Malloum from Chad gave his life to Jesus through a dream and the persistent witness of his grandmother. Despite intense persecution from his uncle, his faith is strong. “I feel so free and at peace,” he says. Praise God that, despite persecution, the church in the region continues to grow. Pray for more people to encounter Jesus, just like Malloum has.
Day 21
Church leaders are often targeted by militant groups – be that because they’ve spoken out against violence, or because it instils fear in the wider Christian community. Those living in areas under the control of Islamic militants are closely watched and face tight restrictions. Pray for protection of leaders, and ask the Holy Spirit to give them wisdom, discernment and courage.
Day 22
“The enemy planned to destroy God’s house, but the church has grown,” said Pastor Abraham on the first anniversary of a bomb attack on his church in DRC that killed 15 people and injured 71. Praise God for this astonishing testimony, and pray that other attacked churches in the region will see the Holy Spirit move in similar ways for them.
Day 23
In places like Mali, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Mozambique, Sudan and Somalia, military coups and other fractures in governance and security have enabled Islamic militancy to flourish. Because of their faith, Christians are disproportionately affected. Pray for an increase in strong, democratic governments, with leaders who govern with integrity, justice and compassion.
Day 24
UN peacekeeping forces and a coalition between security forces from Uganda and DRC are involved in ‘Cheng Gong’, an operation aimed at countering rising militancy in eastern DRC. Pray for its success, and that governments and security forces across the region will be equipped and stirred to address violence and extremism.
Day 25 (Nigeria)
When Bola Tinubu became president in May 2023, he said his priority was decisive action against perpetrators of violence. He’s since replaced security chiefs in a major reshuffle, establishing a better balance between Muslim and Christian officials. Praise God for these positive steps, and pray that President Tinubu will not give up on efforts to protect all Nigerians.
Day 26
“They want to capture Nigeria and capture other parts of Africa according to their agenda,” says Abraham, chairman of a displacement camp (above). He and his family were forced to flee their home three years ago because of an attack by Fulani militants. “They have started by capturing the Christian parts.” Ask God to thwart the plans of extremists and expose the lies that drive them.
Day 27
After a brutal attack on his community in northern Nigeria, Pastor Elisha was broken by the evil he witnessed. He spent time at the trauma centre run by Open Doors partners, which enabled him to forgive his enemies. “Honestly, when I forgave them, I felt happy,” he said. Ask God to give believers the strength to forgive those who’ve hurt them.
Day 28
“I also started praying for their repentance,” adds Pastor Elisha, heeding the words of Jesus: “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” (Matthew 5:44) Join with our brother’s prayer that Fulani militants and other extremist groups will have encounters with Jesus. Pray for Damascus Road experiences that transform their lives – and the lives of many others.
Global campaign
Day 29
The Open Doors Arise Africa campaign aims to raise global awareness of the extreme and targeted violence facing millions of Christians in sub- Saharan Africa. Pray that governments, the media and churches worldwide will be receptive and responsive to this urgent issue, and recognise the crucial role they can play in bringing change.
Day 30
Arise Africa also aims to encourage and equip the church in sub-Saharan Africa to persevere by being resilient, resourceful and influential. Pray that more Christians from the UK, Ireland and around the world will become aware of the plight of their persecuted family and be moved to give, pray and speak out to stop the violence and start the healing.
- Every £19 could give emergency accommodation to a displaced believer.
- Every £35 could help sustain a displaced believer with food, clothing, hygiene products and medical care.
- Every £58 could provide a day’s training to two church leaders to equip them to disciple believers effectively.
Christian leaders across sub-Saharan Africa are calling on the global church to stand with them against violent persecution. Sign the global petition asking for protection, justice and restoration.