13 September 2024

“God is not a God of disappointment”: ministry is bearing fruit in China

Christians in China are being transformed by what God is doing through Open Doors local partners, who share what they’re witnessing and their prayers for the future.

Chinese couple and Bible
Open Doors partners in China are seeing transformation – thank you for praying

Being a Christian in China comes at great cost for every believer. The state heavily monitors religious practice, even online, and Christians can be arrested and imprisoned for running house churches. But it’s even harder if you’ve converted from another faith.

“God is not a God of disappointment, and everything happens according to His time.”

Hollace, Open Doors

Hollace* is a local Open Doors partner in the north west of China. His ministry is to believers from a Muslim background, who face persecution both from the Chinese authorities and from those who feel they’ve betrayed Islam. He witnesses very hard things, but is seeing God’s goodness too. In a recent letter to Open Doors supporters, he shared praise and thanksgiving.

“I am grateful that our work is not in vain,” he writes. “Leaders I paid visits to previously were afraid of being tracked and monitored, so they laid low, and we did stop meeting each other. But God is not a God of disappointment, and everything happens according to His time.”

His presence ministry is showing fruit. Local leaders of the underground church are keen to meet with him again, receiving prayer and encouragement.

A biblical ministry against domestic violence

A particular issue in the region is domestic violence, and local believers are increasingly keen to equip themselves to speak and act against this damaging trend.

“It is commonplace for domestic violence to take place in the family. Husbands beating up their wives is seen as normal and accepted in their culture,” says Hollace. “There is a timely need to preach the biblical value based on the Word so more families can be renewed and transformed by adopting healthy and right values.”

Hollace is pleased to share that this need is being met. He says: “Three pairs of couples whom I used to visit regularly have come to me to express their interest lately! They want to be trained and equipped to serve in the family and marriage field.”

Thank you – and keep praying

“We praise God for answering prayers and for this marvellous change,” adds Yingfei*, another Open Doors partner in the region. “Thank you for the prayers from the Open Doors family and the supporters. More people are willing to rise to serve, even though the space is narrowing.

“As the Bible says, ‘For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.’ (Hebrews 4:12) The Word is sharper than any two-edged sword, and it has a living power in it.”

Yingfei adds: “Please join us in prayers that more couples in Hollace’s area can hear the Word of God and may the transforming power work inside their hearts and souls.”

Persecution survival training

In central China, meanwhile, Open Doors partners recently provided three-day persecution survival training to about 50 church leaders and church workers. While persecution of Christians is widespread in China, many believers are unaware and ill-prepared for it until they experience this persecution.

“Many churches are experiencing different persecution, yet they do not know how to respond.”

Guo, Opne Doors

“This is very much needed in the church,” explains Guo*, the local partner who helped facilitate the training. “Many churches are experiencing different types and levels of persecution, yet they do not know how to respond.”

“Learning ways of responding to persecution resonates with me a lot and is essential to believers,” shares Zicheng*, one of the participants in this training. “It’s also crucial to learn about who God is, the position of His church, and the divine resources He has given to His children. We need to equip ourselves well with His word, so we can take up our spiritual weapons to fight the spiritual battles.”

“We need to depend on His love”

“In the midst of persecution, we particularly need to depend on His love to endure, persist, and forgive,” adds another participant, Yunlong*, while a believer called Weihao* says, “I was particularly reminded of the significance of watching and praying so that we will not fall into temptation.”

Open Doors partners continue to develop this training to incorporate more localised examples, so that it can relate even more closely to the experiences of Chinese believers’ everyday lives. “Pray that this set of teaching can bring impact and transformation to their lives,” asks Yingfei.

Praise God for the blessings He is pouring on His children in China, as they face such opposition, surveillance and persecution. Please join the Chinese church in asking to be daily transformed into His likeness.

*Names changed for security reasons

  • Praise God for what He is doing in China, and for the impact Open Doors partners are witnessing
  • That more and more people would hear God’s Word and be transformed by it
  • That Chinese authorities and other persecutors would be thwarted in their attempts to stifle the church.
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